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Your Guide to Aquarium Maintenance


A well-maintained aquarium is the best habitat for your fish and plants, as they will live a longer and healthier life and can provide you with years of enjoyment. Having a regular system is important to keep your aquarium healthy and sparkling. Your aquarium maintenance can be done by creating a regular schedule to make sure that you have clear water and healthy, active fish. It requires the use of proper equipment. Fish and other aquatic animals and plants are sensitive even to the slightest changes in their environment so you need to follow some basic principles.


You should never clean your fish tank using household cleaners since they are deadly to your fish. The chemicals will leave residues that can be toxic to aquatic life despite how well you rinse them. Always keep the water supply clean. Use a good, clean filter to maintain a good ecosystem. However, it does mean that your filter will be spotless because it can contain good bacteria that can help break down toxins and waste. Removing all bacteria in your filter can allow harmful levels of other compounds such as ammonia to develop in your water.


Your filter should be gently rinsed on a regular basis. The manufacturer will give you a fish tank maintenance schedule to follow. This will help you to avoid cleaning it frequently and risking the bacteria balance or seldom cleaning that allows build up of waste and will prevent frequent water cycling as needed. According to the experts, you should clean the ornaments and fish tank every two weeks to prevent algae from building up on them. However, it the tank is made from acrylic, it must be cleaned weekly.


Fish tank cleaning requires that you also check the mechanical items and ensure that they are working properly. Make sure that your air pump is properly functioning so that your water has adequate oxygen. Your filter should circulate the water through it so that the water is kept clear and the toxins out.


Aquarium maintenance enables you to have a clean tank and healthy fish so you have to do regular partial water changes to maintain the health of your ecosystem. It is considered a close ecosystem so whatever you put into it will stay until you remove it. Make sure to change the water and vacuum the gravel or sand regularly to remove excess waste due to toxins and waste build up.


Water replacement, which can be partial water changes or adding new water to replace what has evaporated, should always use a clean condition. It will not only remove chlorine from tap water but the other impurities as well like excess ammonia. Just make sure to read and understand the instructions on every product you use. For further readings, visit

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